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Vega Energy comes from Miami contain guarana(caffeine). it's a vitamin vape(caffeine and L-Taurine vape) Vega Energy designed in Miami, contain Gurarna(caffeine) and L-Taurine. Vitamin vape that helps the body absorbs healthy dose of caffeine and get focused with ease
Vega Energy |激發能量
Sale priceFrom ¥157.00 Regular price¥180.00
Vega Recover designed in Miami, contain Kudzo Root(pueraia lobata) honey and  tea. Vitamin vape that helps the body absorbs healthy dose of essential oils and get recovered by nature Vega Recover designed in Miami, contain Kudzo Root(pueraia lobata) honey and tea. Vitamin vape that helps the body absorbs healthy dose of essential oils and get recovered by nature
Vega Recover|恢復機能
Sale priceFrom ¥157.00 Regular price¥180.00
Vega Relax designed in Miami, contain Oryzanol and vitamin b. it's a vitamin that after inhaling the body absorbs the perfect dose of oryzanol and vitamin b to achieve a state of relaxation Vega Relax designed in Miami, contain Oryzanol and vitamin b. it's a vitamin that after inhaling the body absorbs the perfect dose of oryzanol and vitamin b to achieve a state of relaxation
Vega Relax|放鬆冥想
Sale priceFrom ¥157.00 Regular price¥180.00