

為什麼我會失眠?原因和可能的症狀 失眠、睡不著,翻來覆去,影響了白天的活動。失眠的定義是什麼?有哪些方式可以改善失眠?專家公開10種解決失眠的方式及4種助眠食物。 失眠定義是什麼? 失眠(Insomnia)是指持續存在的睡眠困難,包括入睡困難、睡眠維持困難(即經常醒來或醒來後難以重新入睡)或過早醒來。根據美國睡眠醫學會的標準,失眠必須每週至少發生三次,並且持續至少三個月。這種睡眠障...
How heavy drinking causes hangover symptoms and how to prevent it

How heavy drinking causes hangover symptoms and how to prevent it

How heavy drinking causes hangover symptoms and how to prevent it The consumption of a large volume of alcohol in a short amount of time can result in the accumulation of acetaldehyde in the blo...