How heavy drinking causes hangover symptoms and how to prevent it

How heavy drinking causes hangover symptoms and how to prevent it

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How heavy drinking causes hangover symptoms and how to prevent it

The consumption of a large volume of alcohol in a short amount of time can result in the accumulation of acetaldehyde in the blood, a byproduct of the metabolism of alcohol by the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ADH). Acetaldehyde binds with many proteins in the body, resulting in toxic effects experienced as symptoms of "hangover," including headache, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, tremor, increased blood pressure, and a general feeling of malaise

Pueraia lobata root(Kudzo Root) Reduces Hangover Severity After Heavy Drinking


Animal and human studies support that Pueraia lobata(Kudzo root) significantly mitigates hangover severity following heavy drinking

Findings of animal studies have established that a standardized extract of Kudzo root reduces blood ethanol concentrations and increases the activity of ADH mitigating hangover symptoms (Koo 1999; Shin et al. 1976 (see full reference below)). 

In a small, two-week, randomized, cross-over, placebo-controlled study, 25 healthy men and woman who did not have a history of alcohol abuse were randomly assigned to drink alcohol (100 ml of blended scotch whiskey containing 40 percent alcohol) during two consecutive visits spaced one week apart (Lee et al. 2014). All subjects were instructed to abstain from alcohol for three days and not to eat 12 hours before the start of the study.

After drinking alcohol, individuals in the study were randomly assigned to drink either a standardized extract of Kudzo root or an equivalent quantity of water within five minutes of drinking alcohol (or water). Blood samples were taken at the start of the study, 30 minutes after drinking alcohol, and incrementally until four hours after drinking alcohol.


At the second visit (one week later) subjects who had previously received the Kudzo root drink were instructed to drink the placebo (i.e., an equivalent volume of water), and subjects who had received the placebo drink on the initial visit were instructed to drink the Kudzo root drink. Subjects completed a survey rating the severity of their hangover symptoms after each session, and one week after the second session.

Analysis of blood samples found that individuals who consumed the Kudzo root  drink soon after drinking alcohol had significantly lower blood levels of alcohol 30 minutes, 45 minutes, and one hour after drinking, indicating that the Kudzo root had long-term beneficial effects on acetaldehyde metabolism. Self-reports of hangovers by study participants suggest that individuals taking a standardized Kudzo root preparation soon after drinking had significantly less severe hangover symptoms, including less difficulty concentrating, less memory loss, and fewer complaints of upset stomach, thirst, and dehydration compared to the placebo group.

All individuals in the Kudzo Root group had significantly lower levels of expiratory alcohol (i.e., alcohol exhaled in the breath) compared to the placebo group. The researchers Kudzo root reported that in addition to beneficial effects of Kudzo root on ADH activity, antioxidant effects of the herbal might mitigate hangover symptoms by removing hepatotoxic metabolites from the blood (Li et al. 2010).

When considering the above findings, it is important to keep in mind that genetic differences between drinkers play an important role in how alcohol is metabolized. Such differences help explain why people from different ethnic backgrounds have widely varying tolerance for the toxic effects of alcohol (Yokoyama et al. 2014). For example, a genetic variant of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ADH) common in people of Asian ancestry results in slower metabolism of alcohol and more severe hangover symptoms. Other genetic variants of ADH are believed to result in a relatively faster metabolism of alcohol, reducing hangover severity.

Research findings reviewed in this post suggest that taking a standardized preparation of Kudzo root soon after heavy drinking may significantly reduce the severity of hangover symptoms. These findings should be regarded as preliminary pending confirmation by larger, placebo-controlled studies.

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Buttom line:

Kudzo root is one of the most promising ingridients to reduce alcohol intake and the hangover symptoms, in addition Kudzo root helps with alcoholism and might help with reducing the cravings to drink, it is important to drink responsibly and when we do drink provide our body what it needs to recover.