晝夜節律如何影響睡眠?(circadian rhythm)生理時鐘的運作機制

晝夜節律如何影響睡眠?(circadian rhythm)生理時鐘的運作機制

我們為什麼做夢? Reading 晝夜節律如何影響睡眠?(circadian rhythm)生理時鐘的運作機制 8 minutes Next 做夢會影響睡眠品質嗎?怎麼停止做惡夢?

您的晝夜節律是您一天 24 小時的睡眠-覺醒模式。它有助於控制您每天的睡眠和清醒時間表。大多數生物都有一個。晝夜節律受光線以及其他因素的影響。



晝夜節律通過幫助確保在 24 小時內的不同時間點優化身體的過程1來發揮作用。晝夜節律一詞來自拉丁語“circa diem”2,意思是“大約一天”。



整個身體的晝夜節律與位於大腦中的主時鐘相連,6 具體來說,它存在於視交叉上核 (SCN) 中,它位於稱為下丘腦的大腦部分中。在一天中的不同時間, SCN 中的時鐘基因7發送信號來調節整個身體的活動。

SCN 對光高度敏感,這是一個關鍵的外部信號,影響 SCN 發送的信號以協調體內的內部時鐘。因此,晝夜節律與晝夜密切相關。雖然其他線索,如鍛煉、社交活動和溫度,可以影響主時鐘,但光是對晝夜節律最強大的影響。


生理時鐘有助於調節身體過程的時間,包括晝夜節律。晝夜節律是生理時鐘的影響,但並非所有生理時鐘都是晝夜節律的。例如,植物使用與 24 小時周期不同的生物鐘來適應不斷變化的季節。








雖然睡眠-覺醒週期是最突出的晝夜節律之一,但這些 24 小時內部時鐘幾乎在身體的所有系統中都10發揮著至關重要的作用。


有跡象表明,晝夜節律對免疫系統以及參與預防癌症13的 DNA 修復過程具有重要影響。早期研究表明,晝夜節律可以影響抗癌藥物的有效性14,新藥物可能能夠利用生物鐘殺死癌細胞。





此外,研究已確定晝夜節律紊亂是阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停 (OSA)的潛在15原因,阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停是一種以反复呼吸中斷為特徵的睡眠障礙。OSA 會降低身體的氧氣水平,並導致整晚睡眠中斷。



晝夜節律的中斷可能在短期或長期內發生。專家們根據其特徵和原因確定了多種類型的晝夜節律睡眠-覺醒障礙 (CRSWD)。

  • 時差症:當一個人在短時間內跨越多個時區時,就會發生這種情況,並且得名於乘坐洲際航班的人經常經歷的事實。在一個人的晝夜節律能夠適應新地點的晝夜循環之前,他們可能會因時差反應而出現睡眠問題和疲勞。
  • 輪班工作障礙:工作義務會嚴重破壞一個人的晝夜節律。輪班工作需要通宵工作並在白天睡覺,這使一個人的睡眠時間表與當地白天的時間直接不一致。
  • 高級睡眠階段障礙:患有這種類型的睡眠障礙的人發現他們在晚上很早就感到疲倦,並且在早上很早就醒來。即使他們想晚上起床或早上睡得更晚,患有晚期睡眠階段障礙的人通常也做不到。這種疾病相對罕見,影響約 1% 的中老年人16,並且在老年人中更常見。在某些情況下,晚期睡眠階段障礙可能與遺傳的遺傳原因有關。
  • 延遲睡眠階段障礙:這種類型的晝夜節律紊亂與“夜貓子”有關,他們熬夜並在早上很晚才睡覺。在普通人群中很少見——每 1000 人中只有 1 或 2 人受到影響——但影響多達 16% 的青少年。確切原因尚不清楚,但可能與遺傳、潛在的身體狀況和一個人的行為有關。
  • 非 24 小時睡眠喚醒障礙:這種情況主要發生在失明17且無法接收基於光照的晝夜節律提示的人群中。他們的身體仍然遵循 24 小時的循環,但他們的睡眠時間會不斷地向後移動幾分鐘或幾小時。
  • 不規則的睡眠-覺醒節律障礙:患有這種罕見疾病的人的睡眠模式不一致,並且在 24 小時的一天中可能有很多小睡或短睡眠時間。它經常與影響大腦的疾病有關18,例如癡呆或創傷性腦損傷,這些疾病會限制下丘腦主時鐘的正常功能。




雖然我們無法完全控制自己的晝夜節律,但可以採取一些健康的睡眠技巧來嘗試更好地引導我們的 24 小時睡眠週期。



  • 尋找陽光:暴露在自然光下,尤其是在一天的早些時候,有助於加強最強的晝夜節律信號。
  • 遵循一致的睡眠時間表:改變你的就寢時間或早晨起床時間會阻礙你的身體適應穩定的晝夜節律的能力。
  • 每天鍛煉:白天的活動可以支持您的內部時鐘,並幫助您在晚上更容易入睡。
  • 睡前限制光照:夜間人工光照會干擾晝夜節律。專家建議在睡前調暗燈光並放下電子設備,並將電子設備遠離臥室和
  • 午睡時間短而早:午睡時間長而晚會推遲你的就寢時間,讓你的睡眠時間變得不平衡。



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晝夜節律是 24 小時循環,是身體內部時鐘的一部分,在後台運行以執行基本功能和過程。最重要和最著名的晝夜節律之一是睡眠-覺醒週期。




晝夜節律有助於確保身體的過程在 24 小時內的各個時間點得到優化1. 晝夜節律一詞來自拉丁短語“circa diem”,2這意味著“大約一天”。



The circadian rhythms throughout the body are connected to a master clock,6sometimes referred to as the circadian pacemaker, located in the brain. Specifically, it is found in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which is in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. At different times of the day, clock genes7 in the SCN send signals to regulate activity throughout the body.

The SCN is highly sensitive to light, which serves as a critical external cue that influences the signals sent by the SCN to coordinate internal clocks in the body. For this reason, circadian rhythms are closely connected to day and night. While other cues, like exercise, social activity, and temperature, can affect the master clock, light is the most powerful influence on circadian rhythms.

Is a Circadian Rhythm the Same As a Biological Clock?

Biological clocks help regulate the timing of bodily processes, including circadian rhythms. A circadian rhythm is an effect of a biological clock, but not all biological clocks are circadian. For instance, plants adjust to changing seasons using a biological clock with timing that is distinct from a 24-hour cycle.

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How Does Circadian Rhythm Affect Sleep?

When people talk about circadian rhythm, it’s most often in the context of sleep. The sleep-wake cycle is one of the most clear and critical examples of the importance of circadian rhythms.

During the day, light exposure causes the master clock to send signals that generate alertness8 and help keep us awake and active. As night falls, the master clock initiates the production of melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep, and then keeps transmitting signals that help us stay asleep through the night.

In this way, our circadian rhythm aligns our sleep and wakefulness with day and night9 to create a stable cycle of restorative rest that enables increased daytime activity.

What Does Circadian Rhythm Affect Besides Sleep?

While the sleep-wake cycle is one of the most prominent circadian rhythms, these 24-hour internal clocks play a vital role in virtually all systems of the body10.

Research continues to uncover details about circadian rhythms, but evidence has connected them11 to metabolism and weight through the regulation of blood sugar and cholesterol. Circadian rhythms influence mental health as well, including the risk of psychiatric illnesses like depression and bipolar disorder as well as the potential for neurodegenerative diseases12 like dementia.

There are indications that circadian rhythms have an important influence on the immune system as well as processes of DNA repair that are involved in preventing cancer13. Early-stage research indicates that circadian cycles can influence the effectiveness of anti-cancer drugs14 and that new medications may be able to harness biological clocks to kill cancer cells.

What Happens When Circadian Rhythm Is Off?

When circadian rhythm is thrown off, it means that the body’s systems don’t function optimally.

A disturbed sleep-wake circadian rhythm can give rise to serious sleeping problems. Without the proper signaling from the body’s internal clock, a person can struggle to fall asleep, wake up during the night, or be unable to sleep as long as they want into the morning. Their total sleep can be reduced, and a disrupted circadian rhythm can also mean shallower, fragmented, and lower-quality sleep.

In addition, studies have identified circadian rhythm disruptions as potential contributors15 to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a sleep disorder marked by repeated lapses in breathing. OSA reduces the body’s oxygen levels and causes numerous sleep interruptions through the night.

As a whole, a misaligned circadian rhythm can negatively affect sleep in many ways, increasing a person’s risk of insomnia and excessive daytime sleepiness. Given the essential role of sleep for productivity and overall health, there are often significant consequences when a person’s circadian rhythm is off.

What Can Disrupt Circadian Rhythm?

Disruptions to circadian rhythm can occur over the short- or long-term. Experts have identified a number of types of circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders (CRSWD) based on their characteristics and causes.

  • Jet Lag Disorder: This occurs when a person crosses multiple time zones in a short period of time and gets its name from the fact that it is often experienced by people who take intercontinental flights. Until a person’s circadian rhythm can acclimate to the day-night cycle of their new location, they are likely to suffer sleeping problems and fatigue from jet lag.
  • Shift Work Disorder: Work obligations can cause major disruptions in a person’s circadian rhythm. Shift work, which requires having to work through the night and sleep during the day, puts a person’s sleep schedule directly at odds with the local daylight hours.
  • Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder: People with this type of disruption find that they get tired early in the evening and wake up very early in the morning. Even if they want to be up later at night or sleep later in the morning, people with an advanced sleep phase disorder usually cannot do so. This disorder is relatively rare, affecting around 1% of people in middle and older age16, and occurs more frequently in older adults. In some cases, advanced sleep phase disorder may be related to an inherited genetic cause.
  • Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder: This type of circadian rhythm disruption is associated with “night owls” who stay up late at night and sleep in late in the morning. It is rare among the general population — affecting just 1 or 2 people out of every 1,000 — but impacts up to 16% of teens. The exact cause is unknown but may be related to genetics, underlying physical conditions, and a person’s behavior.
  • Non-24 Hour Sleep Wake Disorder: This condition occurs primarily in people who are blind17並且無法接收基於光線的晝夜節律提示。他們的身體仍然遵循 24 小時的循環,但他們的睡眠時間會不斷地向後移動幾分鐘或幾小時。
  • 不規則的睡眠-覺醒節律障礙:患有這種罕見疾病的人的睡眠模式不一致,並且在 24 小時的一天中可能有很多小睡或短睡眠時間。它經常與影響大腦的條件有關18,例如癡呆或創傷性腦損傷,會限制下丘腦主時鐘的正常功能。



雖然我們無法完全控制自己的晝夜節律,但可以採取一些健康的睡眠技巧來嘗試更好地引導我們的 24 小時睡眠週期。



  • 尋找陽光:暴露在自然光下,尤其是在一天的早些時候,有助於加強最強的晝夜節律信號。
  • 遵循一致的睡眠時間表:改變你的就寢時間或早晨起床時間會阻礙你的身體適應穩定的晝夜節律的能力。
  • 每天鍛煉:白天的活動可以支持您的內部時鐘,並幫助您在晚上更容易入睡。
  • 避免咖啡因:像咖啡因這樣的興奮劑可以讓你保持清醒,並打破睡眠和清醒之間的自然平衡。每個人都不一樣,但如果你有睡眠困難,你應該在中午之後避免攝入咖啡因。
  • 睡前限制光照:夜間人工光照會干擾晝夜節律。專家建議在睡前調暗燈光並放下電子設備,並將電子設備遠離臥室和床墊
  • 午睡時間短而早:午睡時間長而晚會推遲你的就寢時間,讓你的睡眠時間變得不平衡。




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